The meanings of Worms are diverse and very volatile. It is often the reality that is in charge of discovering them. Initially close to the existentialist philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, the author quickly distanced himself from any reference of the French philosopher (the title will be perhaps the most evident remnant of this initial approach, recovering the name of the city where the action of the play Le Diable et le non Dieu, written in 1951) takes place and becomes permeable to other influences,  samuel beckett and the paradigm of the Theatre of the Absurd.

"And the flies... come by the thousands. Only for one purpose. That's it, that's all. They take over the inside of the people, the animals. They're going to dig up my body until they find what they're looking for. These aren't animals, they're machines, micro surveillance cameras."

Press Release

Text and Creation Rui Neto Interpretation São José Correia Light Design João Rafael Silva Video and Sound Design Edgar Keats Video director Rui Neto Dancer Wilson Magalhães Costumes Rui Neto Costumes confections  PP Couture Iron Scenic Structure Rui Miragaia Characterization Tatiana Araci Technical Operation João Rafael Silva | Fabio Ventura

Financial support - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation - Young Directors

Supports: Festival Temps d'Image | DoubleScene | Comuna - teatro de pesquisa| teatro da trindade| Inatel Foundation | PP Couture | A Vara Theater | TNDMII | ArteCapital | MOB | El Corte English | Tenda| Carnide theater | Turim theatre | CML