Born in Lisbon. Degree in Theatre/Actors-Encenators from ESTC. She studied Clinical Psychology at ISPA. She currently attends the master's degree in Communication and Arts at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCSH. Created, in collaboration with Catarina Vieira: Lá e Cá (2007) one of the winners of the Young Young Artists Project / CCB; Lá e Cá-rascunhos, Serralves em Festa; Lá e Cá - aparições in FIMP. She worked with O Bando at the show Em Brasa. Show Poltrona -monologo para uma mulher, by Cláudia Chéu, and in the films Retornos, by Luís Avilés and the film of Desassossego by João Botelho. She worked with John Romão in Eu não sou Bonita. Eu sou o Porco. She collaborated as an actress and staging assistant in the show Violência by Cláudia Lucas Chéu. She created the shows in partnership with Catarina Vieira: Temporária, presented at the Temps d'Images/CCB Festival; Fora de Jogo, presented at the Temps d'Images Festival; O Festim - dp fim das coisas nada sabemos, also in co-creation with Tiago Cadete at the Temps d'Images Festival; Bugs presented at the International Festival of Theatre and Assistance in staging and production of Teorema and Pocilga by John Romão. Artistic direction in partnership with Catarina Vieira of the show Ex Machina presented at the Temps d`Images Festival. Go Tell Fire To The Mountain at the Calle Valladolid International Theatre and Arts Festival. On television he participated in the soap operas A Única Mulher (TVI) and Valor da Vida (TVI), and in the series Luz Vermelha (RTP). In 2017 she joined the show Um Libretto para ficarem em casa seus Anormais, staging by Albano Jerónimo, and in 2108 the show A Vida de John Smith, by Mickael de Oliveira. She directed the show Real Dog presented at the Business/ZDB.